Best Paper Award at ICCSA 2020
Excited to share that the SDK4ED paper about Vulnerability Prediction, entitled “Cross-Project Vulnerability Prediction based on Software Metrics and Deep Learning” received a Best Paper Award at ICCSA 2020! Congratulations to the authors Ilias Kalouptsoglou, Miltiadis Siavvas, Dimitrios Tsoukalas and Dionysios Kehagias!
SDK4ED technical meeting in UoM
A technical meeting took place in UoM were the latest developments of the SDK4ED platform were discussed.
SDK4ED plenary meeting in Thessaloniki (CERTH)
Our latest developments were discussed in our 4th plenary meeting in Thessaloniki! The SDK4ED team works efficiently to bring truly innovative technical debt, energy and dependability optimization solutions for embedded systems development.
Technical Meeting in CERTH
A technical meeting took place in CERTH were some details and the latest developments of the SDK4ED platform and toolboxes were discussed.
A Special Session entitled “Quality Optimisation for Software Systems: Trade-offs between Runtime and Design-time Software Quality Attributes” was organized by the SDK4ED as part of the 15th China-Europe International Symposium on Software Engineering Education and was completed successfully! 5 research papers describing the SDK4ED’s latest developments and innovative ideas were presented by the consortium. 3 additional external scientific papers related to our project’s main topics were also presented!
SDK4ED in EASE 2019
Elvira-Maria Arvanitou and Apostolos Ampatzoglou gave two paper presentations on the SDK4ED TDM Dashboard and architectural refactorings in the EASE 2019 conference in Copenhagen. A panel discussion on the role of evaluation and assessment in Software Engineering research and industry
SDK4ED plenary meeting in Athens
The latest SDK4ED developments are discussed in our third plenary meeting in Athens!
SDK4ED in DATE conference HiPEAC booth
SDK4ED was presented in a poster session hosted in HiPEAC booth during DATE (Design, Automation and Test in Europe) Conference
SDK4ED in HiPEAC 2019
SDK4ED and EXA2PRO posters in HiPEAC 2019 in Valencia presented by Dr. Dionisis Kehagias and Prof. Dimitrios Soudris!
SDK4ED first DEMO videos released
First SDK4ED ToolBoxes (Technical Debt, Energy and Dependability) developments are presented on videos. See more at the Documents page.
SDK4ED at Opening Symposium of Bernoulli Institute
SDK4ED poster presented at the ‘Opening Symposium of Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Articifial Intelligence by RUG. The festive opening of the Bernoulli Institute (BI) held a Symposium that combined pitches of interdisciplinary research at the Bernoulli, poster sessions and Best Poster Award, and talks from prestigious external speakers. The poster received the Best Poster Jury Award!
SDK4ED plenary meeting in Thessaloniki
Our latest developments are discussed in our second plenary meeting in Thessaloniki!
SDK4ED presented by Airbus
SDK4ED was presented by Airbus UAVs innovation in the first edition of UAV Paris exhibition sponsored by: Paris Region, DGAC (French Air Regulation), EUROCONTROL (EU Air Regulation), ADP (Paris Airport).
SDK4ED at "9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems 2018"
Two papers and the SDK4ED Booth have been accepted for the presentation at “9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems 2018” that is going to be held on Madeira Islands, Portugal from 25 to 27 of September.
- Methods and Tools for TD Estimation and Forecasting: A State-of-the-art Survey (Dimitrios Tsoukalas, Miltiadis Siavvas, Marija Jankovic, Dionysios Kehagias, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, Dimitrios Tzovaras)
- Is Popularity an Indicator of Software Security? A Preliminary Study on Maven Repository (Miltiadis Siavvas, Marija Jankovic, Dionysios Kehagias, Dimitrios Tzovaras)
Keynote speech at SQAMIA 2018
A keynote speech was given by prof. Alexandros Chatzigeorgiou (University of Macedonia) at the 7th workshop on Software Quality Analysis, Monitoring, Improvement, and Applications (SQAMIA’2018) The talk was about technical debt and our goals in SDK4ED were discussed. SQAMIA had 55 participants this year. The slides of the talk are available online
SDK4ED booth in EFECS 2018
SDK4ED has been accepted for participating with a booth in EFECS 2018 exhibition
Keynote speech at IEEE QRS
SDK4ED presented in ACACES 2018
SDK4ED was presented in the Fourteenth International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems, ACACES 2018 by Charalampos Marantos. A 4-page abstract of the presentation will be also included in the proceedings of the poster session.
SDK4ED will be presented in ACACES 2018
SDK4ED will be presented in the Fourteenth International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems, ACACES 2018
SDK4ED plenary meeting in Delft
Our first results were discussed in the SDK4ED plenary meeting in Delft on 13-14 June 2018.
The first SDK4ED newsletter in HiPEAC info v.54
SDK4ED first joint paper presented
SDK4ED paper titled “Interrelations between Software Quality Metrics, Performance and Energy Consumption in Embedded Applications” presented in SCOPES 2018
SDK4ED is presented at the EU project exhibition at the HiPEAC 2018 and at the EnESCE workshop (co-located with HiPEAC 2018).
Kick-off meeting
The SDK4ED team at CERTH during the kick-off meeting.